Monday, April 4, 2011

Bling- spiced weekend

Hey guys!
My weekend was calm, without socking stuff!  I went to my boyfriend's house and we went to Taco Bell (again! I know! I love their spicy food and it's a well known fact that I love mexican food..)
Nothing unusual. We got the BIG BOX! hahaha There was a meal for 2 people.
It contains:
- 2 burrittos
-2 tacos
-2 small portions of french fries (I diped mine in Cheddar Cheese Sause, I love cheddar cheese- is it bad for diet? hm.. I think so!)

I also got my sweet favorite mango-strawberry granita!
Here's a problem. I was SO hungry I didn't have time to take pics of the food BEFORE we ate them, so, you can only see the damage to the box! hahaha 

If you want to see more ''normal'' pics of my Taco Bell experience you can click here:

I didn't wear something fancy.. but, I wore my bling! I love them! Here they are...

That's all for now..I am preparing some nice things for you (some of them are with my friend Ria- you can see her blog Nail Art Victim by clicking on the icon on your right). I just hope this freaking cold is over, so I can make my thoughts come true and show them to you...

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