Thursday, April 7, 2011

Oh baby baby, it's a wild world (my first tattoo)

Hey guys! Today I had my first tattoo experience! :D

I did a phrase from my favorite song: 

It's Cat Stevens' ''It's a wild world'' , and that's the phrase I did..
This phrase is really affecting my life everyday in lots of ways.. I can give you a fact: I'm an occupational therapist!haha.. I work with kids they receive racism on 2011!!!!! and especially for things they didn't choose! Also, I see everyday people accusing me or others and judging without knowing and without knowledge to do this! So, this tattoo is reminding to be careful with what I do, with who I do and for what I do whatever I do.. just to be careful!

This was the sketch I wanted..

I wasn't scared till the time the girl started drawing! I was about to scream! She told me it's a difficult place to have a tattoo and she wanted me to cooperate. That's what I did! I was not screaming but I did faces like this:

haha! My boyfriend took this photo! Luckily for me, I picked a simple design , so it took about 20-30 minutes!
Here's the final result:

So, this is my first tattoo from a series of tattoos I want to do (don't tell my parents! hahahaha)
That's all for now!

P.s. I want to thank you for helping me decide what to do on an older post! That's what fellow bloggers and followers are about!! <3

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