Sunday, April 17, 2011

Bobby Moynihan was in Helen Mirren's SNL monologue (no vid)

Unfortunately, Bobby was in Helen's monologue this week, and NBC did not put it online (I already skimmed the full episode and made sure it was cut out of that as well). The reason is usually that they used music in the show that they don't have the rights to. Come on, NBC! Step up your game!

Don't make Wolverine Andy angry (this is from a Between Two Worlds skit from that same episode that was also not shown online):

And here's a little info about the monologue...


Helen Mirren
Paul Brittain
Bill Hader
Taran Killam
Bobby Moynihan
Andy Samberg
Kenan Thompson

Apparently the SNL dudes were a bunch of sailors. =^)


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