Monday, March 7, 2011

My new neon pink manicure and a Happy Lent lunch

Today I did something 80's (as I think) on my nails. Enjoy :)

These are the steps. You MUST put white nail polish under to help the neon color look how it looks on the polish you bought.
This what I used (except my manicure tools)

A close up to my nails
The final result!!!

Here in Greece today was Καθαρα Δευτερα or as we say it's the first day of Lent. 
We don't eat meat. So, today my mum and aunt prepared an awesome lunch. I ate only the 50% of the food there was in our house.
no.1 Ntolmadakia! (rice covered by leaves)
no.2 Onion (green. I think this is how we call this. Anyway!It's an onion! haha)
no.3 Beans! made in a salad with onion. This is served cold-well.. dah!It's a salad!hahahah
no.4 Shrimps with tomato and feta cheese (don't be like.. urgggg! It's nice!!!)
no.5 Taramas which means..  preserved fish roe (yummyyyy!)

We also had ''lagana'' but... it's a bread.. nothing special except it's a bit flat. Plus, today we fly a kite, but...the weather didn't allow us to do that. Sooooo cold and so windy!

That's all folks! :D
I hope you had an amazing day too..!

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