Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fashion Design

Fashion designers are now the most sought after by the wealthy (celebrities and famous personalities), who will give up a fortune as wages. The reason is, celebrities know that they are being judged by half of the worlds population by what they wear on what occasion and for this reason alone, they turn to designers for help. But the designers are scarce, so why don't you make yourself available to earn money.

Celebrities are struggling to keep their profile on top of others that is why they are willing to pay so much for a good fashion designer. Fashion trends are more of guide lines on what you can wear for whatever occasion.

Education combined with talent forms a solid designer. If you have the talent for fashion designing then boost it with a good education. Nikki Hilton is a young designer who combined this two factors and is now making waves in the fashion industry. She studied first at the fashion institute of technology, in New York to give herself a solid background and now she is famous and sought after by the high and mighty.

Fashion schools teaches the basics of fashion, like pattern making, cloth making, sewing, correct body measurement, helping you to create a great piece of clothing.

Fashion design knowledge also gives you some sort of security and peace of mind even knowing that what you are wearing is within the agreeable style of fashion for a particular season.

Arts schools also offer courses related to fashion designing. Fashion designers expand their knowledge by attending arts schools.

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