Monday, March 14, 2011

Fashion Designer Jobs Could Include Freelancing

When you graduate from college your first job will not be over other designers. Upon completing of college you will find yourself working for experienced designers. They might have you doing the sketching of their designs or even making the pattern for them. Once you become more experienced you could be the top designer for the company or even a department head. You might even find yourself setting up your own store for selling your designs in.

Usually most of the demands for fashion designer jobs are located on the coasts. The two major states that work can be found is California and New York. Some of the top designers can be found in these states.

Even though the economy is in a bad way people still want fashion. They want to purchase nice clothes at a decent price. Not only will you find yourself designing things for wealthy people but, you will design for the middle class.

If you are thinking about becoming a freelancer then there are things you need to think about. You are going to have to decide what your target market is going to be along with the price you will be selling your item for. Then you will have to decide if department stores are who will be purchasing your items for resale or do you want to sale to private clients. In order to get your designs seen you will need to have them shown to retailers. The best way to accomplish this is by having your garments shown at fashion shows. One important fact you will need to think about is once the orders start coming in do you have enough employees on hand to handle the demand. These are all things to think about if you are going to be a freelancer in the fashion design industry.

Fashion designer jobs are not easy to do. You need to be able to design anything and have to have an open mind. There needs to be clear communication of what you are visualizing and what you are sketching on paper and saying to others. There are days you will be looking in magazines and going to fashion shows all day. This is so you know what the trends are and will give you an idea of what people might be purchasing in the future.

If you are going to be a fashion designer then is aware of the fact that the hours are long. The demand for fashion changes all the time so you will need to be quick and on top of things.

When you are first stating out you will be under someone. As you fine tune your skills and get the courage you can then approach others about purchasing a design from you once in a while. You may one day find yourself being as well known as Calvin Klein or you may choose to not expand that big. There is not a limit as to how far you can go it just take dedication and will power.

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