Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fashion Design Beyond The Classroom

There are so many creative, young people that dream of making it big time in the fashion industry. For people like this, with a passion for observing, creating and designing their very own fashion trends, it is often an optimal choice to pursue a degree in any number of relating subjects from a fashion design college. This is practically a no-brainer. Thanks to tons of scholarships, grants and fellowships, a fashion school education is accessible for anyone who really wants it bad enough to grasp.

The real challenge is facing this question: What comes after your college degree? What are the career options out there for fashion school grads? Obviously, not every student is going to make it as the next Marc Jacobs or Coco Chanel, so what type of work can these students do to sustain themselves, make a living, and work actively in the industry that they love? Here are some realistic career options for budding designers.

1. Designer's Assistant. A great way to gain experience out of college is to seek out a designer's assistant position. Working under a designer is a an eye-opening experience. An assistant will assist their designer in sketching ideas, drawing and cutting patterns, fitting finished garments, arrange shows and other press, arranging appointments with potential buyers, and several other business duties. Absorbing experience and knowledge from working under a successful designer is a sure way for any assistant to develop their own creative eye and business smarts.

2. Working for a larger firm. Often times, graduates from fashion school are able to get jobs in the design room staff of a large firm. In this work environment, they work with the rest of the design room staff under one head designer. Those working under the head designer will help to think of creative patterns, and ideas, as well as help to oversee general business issues. Also, firms often employ specialty designers to work on creating specific garments or items.

3. Teacher. With the knowledge and experience that you have gained from completing fashion college, you can seek out teaching opportunities. This is a great way to continue your path of learning. It is a well-known fact that teachers often learn as much from their students as the students learn from them. Plus, teaching a solid, reliable and fun career option. It is a way for people that love fashion to explore new fashion knowledge every day.

It is relieving to remind yourself that you can live and work in the fashion world without the pressure of becoming a famous designer. With that worry aside, you can really focus on developing design skills and doing the things you love and feel passionate about. Just get that fashion school degree first and let it open the door to you for any number of exciting career paths!

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