Friday, December 17, 2010

From Freeman to Freemen

One of the songs on the Seeds Worship CD's is I Timothy 4:12. It comes on after, "The Rock song" as Connar calls it (Psalm 40:1-2), and says, just like the verse, "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young. But set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith, and in purity." I actually wrote that verse down from memory (although I forgot 'speech' and had 'faith' in the wrong place) BECAUSE of the CD's. They are helpful for adults, so that they can memorize scripture along with the children. I'll never stop recommending those things.

When Tampa Bay drafted QB Josh Freeman out of Kansas State last year, I was disappointed. But I'll admit that I was wrong on what he would bring on and off the field. This verse came to mind after Freeman called out his team for the recent string of arrests. Former FSU linebacker was tasered and arrested on Monday morning and Freeman apparently had enough. As a quarterback, he is supposed to be the leader on the field. But he is also probably the youngest player on the team, born in January 1988! If you do the math, and I just did, that makes him only 22 years old right now.

Since his coach, also the youngest coach in the league, has done little to actually discipline such players by taking away their most prized possession (a game check via suspension), Freeman has taken it upon himself to not only set the example, but to make sure others follow that example.

I don't know if Freeman is a Christian. He may be-I've seen nothing to doubt that he is, and I do think I spotted the WWJD bracelet on him once and in this picture (I didn't think they still made those things). But in calling these players out, not fearful of being the youngest one around, he is certainly following Jesus' command to Timothy.

This is a fine example, and one in which I wish I would follow better myself. When the Bucs players get arrested, it reflects poorly on someone. Usually the coach, and the organization as a whole. When Christians walk according to their own flesh, whether in a public venue or in their own homes, it reflects poorly on Christ and His church as a whole.

So I'm thankful for Freeman. And I also hope all those who think they are too young to offer anything, will set the example for believers of all ages. And when older believers dishonor Christ (and don't realize it, or refuse to change), I hope the younger ones can speak with love and the boldness of Free-men (sorry, I had to). Because in Christ we are truly free to fight for the honor of Christ and his reputation in the world. God isn't afraid to use the young (or old for that matter), so we shouldn't be afraid to be used, eh?

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