Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Choosing choo-choo over the Jets; UPDATED

I was disappointed with the first hour of The Sing Off on Monday night. Teeny-bopper music, some risque moves, snotty and snooty folks, and the standard "Paula Abdoul-esque" critique (saying something without saying anything) from Pussycat Doll judge. Then in the 2nd hour, they brought out the groups which were actually good. Everything changed. The music included "instruments," the sounds were good, and the judges were blown away. In the end, the 2nd half redeemed the first. So I hope you at least got to hear Committed, a black gospel group which performed a Maroon 5 song. Solid.

With that said, I came across a fascinating and telling post about a former NY Jets player who declined their offer of a contract. The Jets, much like the Bucs, have lost several safeties do to injuries (the Bucs also lost one to drugs as well), and have been desperately searching for replacements. Keith Fitzhugh, released by the Jets on Sept 4th, has enjoyed his new job working for a railroad. Because his return would only be for several weeks, why leave the train station when he has a steady job? He'd be released after the season ended.

For Connar my 2 year old, who loves trains, this would be a no-brainer. Stay with the choo-choo's. 

But Fitzhugh is also taking care of his disabled father who can't work, and that definitely played into his decision. As a result of that, I found this story worthy of promoting.

The NFL has power. But it doesn't have supreme power over some. That may show up next year in a lockout (I'm hoping it won't be the case, but that may be a good thing for sports fans). Regardless, it is great to see a player who would can choose principle and parent care over the money, fame, experience, and fun offered by the NFL. Now I don't want to say that he couldn't have said "yes" to the Jets. He certainly could have.
But the fact that he COULD say No, not the fact that he HAD to say No, reveals to us that the NFL is not his idol. Watching a game, rooting for a team, spending money on a team is not bad in and of itself. Yet it's a different story when we HAVE to watch, spend money on, root for, play, at the expense of other things which may be clearly commanded: corporate worship, loving family, taking care of parents, giving, etc... It is not saying YES to football that is bad. It is when we CAN'T say no, that we know, football has become an idol.
I'm sure I'll have to eat my words soon, but putting this stuff down on paper is one way to hold myself accountable!

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