Monday, December 27, 2010

Another Make up Shopping Spree
Hey guys! Today I went with my best friend shopping for make up. We spent our morning together, we bought nice things and we drank coffee (a thing we haven't done for a while).
This is what I bought:
 1. Foundation
2. 2 powders
3. Blush
 4. 2 eyeshadow pallettes
5. a duo- blush
 6. Base nail polish
7. Black nail polish with small brush for nail art
8. Nail buffer
 9. Black eye pencil (the long one)
10. Purple lip pencil
I also bought 2 colognes.

That's what my best friend bought me as a gift.. I love it!

Yesterday I had my nails done.. Do you like them? I wanted something pale ..

See you at the next post!

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