Saturday, December 25, 2010

Bobby Moynihan is Comeback Player of the Year

Comeback Player of the Year: Bobby Moynihan

Moynihan did not have a great 2009-2010 season. Honestly, considering the small amount of airtime he received last season, I really didn’t expect him to be back. I mean, yes, I was rooting for him, but even what looked like what was becoming his signature character (Mark Payne) never made an appearance last season. This season is a different story. Still missing a signature recurring character (we all love Ass Dan, but it’s not really his sketch), Moynihan has nevertheless broken though this year from “guy who may or may not get to stand in the background during a sketch,” to a legitimate talent that will be a driving force on the show for years to come. Look through the great sketches this season — “Fockers Fan,” “A Message from the TSA,” “Kickspit,” “Black Friday” — Moynihan is everywhere. And, honestly, it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy...

Read the rest:

Congrats Bobby! You earned it!

Merry Christmas Bobby fans!


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