Monday, August 1, 2011

Who knew that Betsy Brandt of "Breaking Bad" had such deep insight into gelato?

Both while Hank (Dean Norris) was still in the rehab facility (above) and since he's been home, Marie (Betsy Brandt) has been going the extra mile to try to boost his morale. (Unfortunately I wasn't able to find a photo of Hank's dearly beloved rocks -- er, "minerals.")

"I believe gelato is meant to be treated as medicine and taken daily as a prescription."
-- Breaking Bad's Betsy Brandt (Marie Schrader)

by Ken

As I've mentioned, AMC puts out a steady stream of cool features related to its shows, and today I dived eagerly into an interview with Betsy Brandt [UPDATE: this link should be working now; sorry about that!], who plays Walter's slightly kleptomaniacal sister-in-law Marie, who this season is coping with husband Hank's physical debilitation from the attempt on his life -- and his if anything more disturbed mental condition.

For a while I was annoyed that the interview contained information that I haven't seen yet on air, until I realized that an episode aired last night which I haven't watched yet. (It's presumably safely recorded on the DVR.) Oh well! Apparently, though, we still haven't found out what the deal is with Hank and his rocks -- excuse me, "minerals." With all the rocks (excuse me, "minerals") Hank is ordering online, can it be long before there's no room in the house for Hank and Marie?

I don't think I'm risking spoiling anything for anyone by quoting this exchange from the Betsy Brandt interview.
Q: If you had to pretend to be someone else, what back story would you make up for yourself?

A: Someone without kids [Laughs]. I'd probably live in Italy comfortably in the north. And drink wine and coffee. They always serve a piece of dark chocolate with espresso. I believe in that. I believe in gelato. I believe gelato is meant to be treated as medicine and taken daily as a prescription.


At least I hope I've fixed it. I could swear it was working when I posted this, but man, did the link get garbled! (Here it is again.) By the way, here's the link (I think) to sign up for the AMC Newsletter (as well as newsletters for the individual shows).


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