Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: We The Stupid

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. Bloggers: you can install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget!


We The Stupid: Barnhardt
The collapse of America's middle class: Spengler
It’s a Deal! — Instant Analysis: ConAlley

Free “Medical” Marijuana in Exchange for Votes: MB
Will DOJ Shoot Down South Carolina’s New Voter ID Law?: Tatler
Giffords Returns for Debt Plan Vote: Roll Call

IL budget deficit is worst of the worst: RWN
Budget Deal Doesn't Cut Spending: Cato
The Union Job Security Act: Endless Road Construction: RWN


Ceiling Our Fate?: Blumer
Economy on the Brink of Double Dip Recession: Dossier
ObamaCare Buys Your Birth Control: It’s Science!: MagNote

'Great Recession' Far Worse Than We're Being Told: CWD
Liberals force a devilish choice: Foundry
Holder Launches Witch Hunt Against Biased Banks: IBD


Enemy of the State: A.W.R. Hawkins
Fast & Furious Response: Promotions All Around!: Arms
NY Times Spins Fast & Furious: RWN

Climate & Energy

Center for (Reversing) American Progress drones while Obama drives up gas prices: Exam
Ten year NASA study: There is no global warming!: TAB
UK Faces Anti-Green Backlash As Energy Prices Rise: WUWT


Fahrenheit 8/1/11: Driscoll
Sherrod Brown Interview Typifies Weak Media Coverage, Dems’ False Talking Points: BizzyBlog
The Winner of the Power Line Prize Is...: Power Line

Comics In Search of a Punchline: Mudville
What You Mean ‘We,’ Kemosabe?: Driscoll
July 2011 "Unexpectedly" Compilation: PunditPress

Norah O'Donnell Goes After Jay Carney With Tough Questions: Ace
‘Wait, Does That Mean Obama Won the Terrorist Vote?’: Driscoll
Obama partying today with millionaires and billionaires: GWP

The Star-Ledger editorial page called me a "lunatic!": WyBlog
Is Gov. Steve Beshear (D, KY) extorting campaign contributions?: RS
ACORN Thugs Stink Up the Wrong Bank: Vadum


How a Newspaper in Norway Has Transformed Me into a ‘Pro-Terrorist’ Criminal: BRubin
Getting Bin Laden: New Yorker
Rape on the Steps of Parliament: GoV

Norway 2008: A Paradigm for Anti-Semitism: GoV
Sign of the Times: Illegals Moving Back to Mexico To Take Advantage of Mexico's Low 4.9% Unemployment: Ace
China’s Aircraft Carrier Powering Up: DefTech


Twitter Takes Extra Measures To Protect Its Confidential Documents: Crunch
NTP Wins Court Ruling on 7 Patents From Apple, AT&T Cases: Bloomberg
Honda Civic No Longer Recommended by Consumer Reports: CNBC


Default, Dear Brutus, Is Not In Our Stars, But In Ourselves: IowaHawk
The Ruins of Detroit: Denver Post
Inmate Ran $1 Million Credit Card Scam Using Cell Phone & Secret Shoppers: Consumerist

Image: Giffords Returns for Debt Plan Vote
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Allen West for Congress

QOTD: "I keep hearing my Democrat colleagues speak of “compromise,” This hypocrisy is laughable. Where was the compromise from Democrats with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), the nearly $1 trillion stimulus bill, or Cap and Trade?

Enough with the rhetorical demagoguery from liberal progressives about oil subsidies (I believe we need to cut the corporate/business tax rate to 20% from 35% and eliminate subsidies and loopholes), on taxing the rich and “shared sacrifice” (the top 1% of taxpayers pay 34% taxes, top 5% taxpayers pay 57% of taxes, top 25% taxpayers pay 86% of federal taxes… move to a flat personal income tax of 13-15% and eliminate loopholes), and no more about corporate jets (this is only about a $300 million in savings per year, and the Democrats fail to remember, it was President Obama who added this tax loophole into his stimulus bill).

Revenues come from tax code reform, not tax increases!" --Rep. Allen West

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