Monday, August 1, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: See, We Told You So

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. Bloggers: you can install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget!


See, We Told You So: RS
Deal update: $2.4T in cuts and ceiling hikes-both in two parts: Hot Air
The Deal: Where They Won And Where They Lost: Garrett

The end of Harry Reid as we know it: LI
Senator McConnell: The Shrewd Adult in the Room: Tatler
Debt Deal Emerging With Rightward Tilt: Roll Call

Obama's Racial Spoils System: AT
The Corrosive Effects of Massive Debt: Boyz
Not Playing the Fool: RS


PIMCO: Boehner and Reid "deal" fails to avoid downgrade: RWN
The poor are not poor because the rich are rich: Parker
U.S. Sues UBS for $900M, Charging Mortgage Fraud: AllGov

Filed Under Exponential: ZH
Detroit institutes municipal ObamaCare: rationing for the "healthy": RWN
No Matter How You Feel About Tonight’s Deal…: iOTW

D.C. tops nation in drug, alcohol abuse: Exam
Another D.C. Political Corruption Scandal Swept Under The Rug: JW
Cleveland Police: 4 Shot After George Clinton Concert: MyWay

Climate & Energy

Agenda 21 Update: Family Farms Are Under Attack: Blaze
Cooling-Off Period: Exurban
Our Electricity Future (a bleak version): Boyz


Blame the Jews and Republicans: AT
Every advantage is unfair: BS Footprint
NYT's Thomas Friedman Proves Rubio's Point: GOP 'Being Led Around By Extremist Tea Party': NB

Oh Mope-rah, You Hack: Second City Cop
Oops! Jennifer Rubin Goofs, Again: Riehl
America Abandons Obama: Times

Republican Study Committee – Spending 101 – How to Stop the Explosion of Debt: GWP
Matt Yglesias is a Race-Baiting Jackass: VS
Basic Economics for Financial Journalists and Other Dummies: Cato


Is Islam Compatible with Capitalism?: CityJournal
Summer Camp? Antisemitic Indoctrination Training Center: Atlas
Farrakhan got $8 million from Gaddafi: AT

Ramadan Massacre: Videos Show Horror of Syria's Deadliest Day: Atlantic
Pro-Sharia Group Marches in Londonistan: TAB
Florida: Muslim woman’s jail photo initially allows fully covered face: Creeping

Obama Has Top JCS Chairman Tell Troops in Afghanistan They May Not Get Paid: GWP
Top Syrian Generals Defect – Announce Formation of Free Syrian Army to Fight Assad: GWP
What SlutWalk Looks Like in New Delhi: Atlantic


Here’s How U.S. Spies Will Find You Through Your Pics: Wired
It Took Spotify Two Weeks To Get Sued: Atlantic
Adobe dives into HTML with new Edge software: CNet


Fake Moon Landings Revealed!: Stuffucanuse
Help Wanted: Fetch My Flying Monkeys (NSFW)
Zodiac: AV Club

Republicans: On A Train Bound For Nowhere: MOTUS
This Week in Automotivators: RWN
Happy 99th Birthday, Milton Friedman!: Reason

Image: Via Ace o' Spades
Sponsored by: The Shark Tank Endorses Karen Harrington to Defeat Debbie Wasserman-Schultz

QOTD: "What we know about the pending deal is that the Democrats and Republicans are agreeing to a Deficit Commission. Despite the media spin — and the spin of some Republican sycophants — the deficit commission, which will be a super committee of the Congress, will have the power to come up with new tax revenue.

And if the Congress rejects the Commission’s demands for new tax revenue, there will be a trigger that cuts both medicare funding and defense funding.

Except, the defense funding cuts will be much more massive than the medicare cuts. And the GOP, in addition to seeing defense cut, would be hacking off seniors right before an election." --Erick Erickson

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