Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chart o' the Day: The Debt Ceiling Deal Crap Sandwich

The federal government must now borrow about $125 million an hour -- 24 hours a day, seven days a week -- to fund its out-of-control spending. And the vaunted "debt ceiling deal", despite Democrat claims that it "slashed" discretionary spending, actually cut only $7 billion from the bloated, cellulite-ridden federal bureaucracy.

How much is $7 billion in the grand scheme of things?

The green segment represents the $2,627 billion in anticipated federal revenue for 2012. The red represents the amount of money the government spends that must be borrowed from suckers investors. And the blue depicts the amount of the vast, slashing cuts to discretionary spending.

What's that? You say you can't see the blue? Let's zoom in:

Hmmm. Still can't see the blue too well. Let's magnify the pie by 100.

The EPA is unleashing reams of regulation, killing jobs in mining, trucking, energy production, and farming. The NLRB is busy suing businesses to prevent them from opening factories in right-to-work states. Eric Holder is busy suing states that are trying to protect citizens from a veritable invasion of illegal aliens. And the failed "Stimulus" program is still built into the baseline budget, funding $315 stainless steel trashcans for bureaucrats.

But there's nothing to cut!

Because John Boehner's peerless strategery saved America from default. Or not.

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