Friday, November 12, 2010

Singing in the rain
Hey guys! Today was an awesome day! It was raining all day and I didn't have to go to college for my lessons, so I got the chance to invite my best friend home for  coffee and gossip! My boyfriend was also here and the three of us had a really good time.
We spent lots of hours watching the rain outside.. This is my bedroom's window with all my flowers out there.

 I also had my nails done- I painted them a deep blue-so winter- color!

We made some lunch and we ate my favorite dessert-well, these days at least- apple and cherry tart!

My best friend also showed me her new ugg boots!

It was an awesome day! I hope I'll see my friend very soon! I miss her !

What did you do today-a super nice raining day?

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