Monday, November 15, 2010

10 things we have to do on Xmas time!
Christmas time is only for a few days, so if we want to say that we have celebrated it good we have to do some things to say we have felt the Christmas spirit!

1. Drink hot chocolate and watch the fire on the fireplace, or the snow, or the rain.. If you don't have any of these close to you just watch the cold street outside.


2.Help with the decoration everywhere! At home, at work, at a friend's house, at school etc.

3. Open presents under the Christmas tree

4. Eat a family dinner and spend time with your family.

5. Write a letter to Santa Claus (even though you're an adult!)

6.Go to the stores. Even if you won't buy something you'll be able to see the Christmas spirit around you.
7. Help preparing Christmas sweets (melomakarona, kourampiedes etc.)


8. Help people in need. Christmas time is the best time of the year to show love to people they need it.

9.Listen children singing Christmas songs!

10. Watch classic christmas movies (Home Alone, A Christmas Carol etc.)

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