Friday, July 1, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: Obama's New ACORN Grant; Did He Violate Federal Law?

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. Bloggers: you can install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget!


Obama's New ACORN Grant; Did He Violate Federal Law?: AmSpec
Obama: "I Got Five-And-A-Half Years More To Go": RCP
Illegal Aliens Step Out Boldly at DREAM Hearing: HE

Time For Congress to Lead on the Debt Ceiling: Foundry
How to Destroy a Culture in 5 Easy Steps : FirstThings
Obama the Imaginary Leader: Commentary

Liberalspeak: 'living and breathing' equals 'cadaver': Troglopundit
Beck assaulted by open-minded, tolerant, Leftist thugs: Cold Fury
Obama's Appalling Press Conference Unplugged: MB


Stimulus: It's Never Enough For The Democrats: IBD
Medicaid annual spending: $1B in 1965; $450B in 2011: Mish
NLRB fight is land mine in reelection: Hill

Obamacare Death Star will strike soon: DeMint
Obama's Right: We Need More Tax Revenues: PJM
Fed's Massive Stimulus Had Little Impact: Greenspan: CNBC

Rand Paul: I’m here today Mr. President. Where are you?: TRS
Report: Geithner on Way Out?: Malkin
3 Simple Rules for the GOP on Orwellian Word Games: ATR


CNN’s new White House correspondent mocks Obama, implies he’s a liar: IHTM
Media's Blind Eye: IBD
Mark Halperin apologizes for Obama gaffe: Politico

Harvard Study: 4th of July Parades Favor Republicans: Powers
Yesterday Iowa with Palin, today Pennsylvania with Romney: Hot Air
Ya think? Obama may be losing the faith of Jewish Democrats: Politico

Obama Flake: MB
Mika: Palin and Paris Hilton have a lot in common: Hot Air
Roger Ailes’ Secret Nixon-Era Blueprint for Fox News: Gawker


TheDC Exclusive: Rep. Kucinich praises Syrian dictator on Syrian television: TheDC
U.S. Recognizes Muslim Brotherhood. Will Hamas Be Next?: Commentary
Cummings’ Gunwalker Report Neglects To Mention … Gunwalker: Owens

Hamas is Behind the Jihad Warship "Flotilla": Atlas
Postcard from London: Wisconsin on the Thames: Malkin
NY: Misunderstanderers of Islam get 25 years in synagogue bomb plot: Creeping

Caliphate Convention Set to Take the Netherlands by Storm: NoisyRoom
Holder: DOJ to Drop 'Torture' Investigations of CIA Officials: NJ
Obama’s Joke of a Counterterrorism Strategery: Ledeen


Anonymous RIM Employee Condemns "Soviet-Era Government" Atmosphere and Other Horrors: Gizmodo
Chrome OS has security flaws, claims researcher: CNet
FBI Raids Home of Ohio Man Linked to Hacker Group: WSJ


Diet Soda: not all it's cracked up to be: Instapundit
The Gaffe-Masters: BlogProf
Marines Get New Infantry Automatic Rifle, Ditch M249 SAW In Favor Of M27: WZ

Image: Curmudgeonly & Skeptical
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Cut Cap Balance Pledge

QOTD: "The most newsworthy bit of President Obama’s press conference certainly had nothing to do with economics or America’s precarious fiscal position. Recall: The president’s most recent budget plan would add $9.5 trillion in cumulative new debt over the next decade. Eliminating a tax break for the purchase of corporate jets – it’s called “accelerated depreciation” and Obama has endorsed the deduction twice before to boost growth and create jobs – would save $3 billion, or 0.03 percent of that total...

Who knows, maybe the president just has something against jet airplanes, akin to his apparent dislike of those job-killing ATMs. But this seems certain: Obamanomics took flight in 2009 as a purist Keynesian experiment in economic management from high above. The ultimate Dreamliner for Democrats. Now, two-and-a-half-year later, it’s begun its sputtering descent." --James Pethokoukis

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