Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: How Obama Caused The Debt, Downgrade Crisis

Have a great link you'd like me to review? Drop me an email. Bloggers: you can install a Larwyn's Linx blog widget!


How Obama Caused The Debt, Downgrade Crisis: Riehl
The Debt Mountain Labored and Brought Forth a Mouse: Steyn
Erick And DeMint Are Holding ... Well, Something: Riehl

New polls confirm Obama's Democratic base crumbles: LAT
Are you better off today than you were in Jan. '09?: Q&O
Class Warfare, Slavery and Corporate Jets!: SIGIS

Boehner Grounds Into a Double Play: RS
The Freshmen vs. the Insiders: Hewitt
Gutierrez Arrested During Open Borders Protest: GWP


Holder Lied, Agents Died: IBD
Gunwalker scandal called "perfect storm of idiocy": CBS
Obama administration accused of intimidating witnesses: Lid


Tim Geithner, Liar.: Sundries
1 in 8 employer insurance plans getting the axe: DC
Cal makes huge cuts, but not on useless diversity programs: CJ

The Crisis Behind the Crisis: IHTM
FDA Moves to Regulate Walnuts as a Drug: RWN
Great News: Higher food prices likely "new normal": BlogProf

Climate & Energy

So How’s That Sea Level Rise Thing Working For You?: CBullitt
Gingrich Regrets That Everybody Misconstrued His Pelosi Climate Change Ad: Malkin
Tree ring widths more affected by sheep than temperature: CBullitt


Media insists Americans crashed DC phone systems with calls for higher taxes: GWP
Fanaticism, mass murder and the left: Phillips
Yet Again, MSM Repeats the ’90 Percent Lie’: Owens

Two Papers In One!: Driscoll
Dear New York Times: Dry Your Eyes. Your Salvation is At Hand.: Sundries
Hilarity: Carney gets punched for 10 minutes over lack of an Obama plan: NRO

'War Hero' Who Attested to Kerry's Heroism Turns Out to Be Liar and Kiddie Porn … Um, 'Researcher': RSM
Eric Cantor Rips Obama: “Stop Your Policies That Are Wrecking the American Economy!”: GWP
Media Skip Over Sen. Bernie Sanders's Anti-Obama Remark: NB


Hamas's Gaza – Four Years Later Chapter 5: Islamization in Gaza: MEMRI
Indicted Al-Shabaab Recruiter Continues Jihad on Facebook: PJM
Former ATF Official Admits Bureau Allowed Guns Into Mexico: Foundry

Obama’s Foreign Policy Is About as Successful as Obama’s Domestic Policy: RSM
MSM Goes LGF: Media Trying to Blame Norway Massacre on Pamela Geller?: RSM
Norway: Israel Brings Terrorism on Itself: Commentary


Twitter Marketing Lessons from the Fortune 50: BizPun
Mac vs. PC via McDonald's Wi-Fi guide: CNet
Getting Kicked Out of an Apple Store Is Not Easy: Atlantic


The Unhappy Meal makeover; Photoshop contest call!: Malkin
FBI Exposes The Terrifying Face Of "Anonymous": TSG
The Zombie Deployment Guide: ArmyTimes

Image: Sad Hill News
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Fight Obama in Wisconsin - Support Dan Kapanke

QOTD: "With respect, Rich, your correspondent needs to get out of the House more. The $7 billion that he calls “a real, enforceable cut for FY2012″ represents what the Government of the United States currently borrows every 37 hours.

If the CBO’s scoring is correct – that it reduces the 2012 deficit by just $1 billion – then the ”cut” represents what the United States borrows every five hours and 20 minutes. In other words, in the time it takes to photocopy and distribute Boehner’s “plan”, the savings have all been borrowed back." --Mark Steyn

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