Friday, July 29, 2011

John 'Forrest Gump' Boehner Gets Played Again

Using every arm-twisting, committee appointment, and earmark bribe in the book, John Boehner was able to slam his ridiculous faux debt-ceiling bill through the House, 218-210 a few minutes ago.

Let me be the first to predict what will now happen.

It will go to the Senate, where it will be rejected, rewritten, revamped and -- in general -- shredded by Chuck Schumer's mannequin, Harry Reid. In other words, it will become an even more pathetic "deficit reduction" vehicle than it was to begin with.

Then, with only hours to spare, it will be sent back to the House, whereupon the media and the Democrats -- but I repeat myself -- will predict total economic calamity should it not pass.

Boehner, the consummate Beltway insider, will panic, cry, and force it through the House, echoing the same predictions of complete economic collapse of Timothy Geithner. It will enforce no cuts, it will command no deficit reduction measures, and it will also grant Barack Obama unconditional permission to borrow another trillion dollars (or two) from our kids and grandkids.

And it will tiptoe this country right to the edge of fiscal collapse.

It's a game of hot potato, and Gump will have been handed the scalding hot potato with no time to spare.

Instead of hammering Cut, Cap & Balance through the House and Senate, the feckless GOP leadership will have folded like a deck-chair in a typhoon.

The imperative for 2012 could not be more clear: replace every RINO with conservatives in the primaries. Then obliterate the Marxist pod-people that have subsumed the husk of the once-proud Democrat Party. We have no alternative if we are to save this Republic.

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