Thursday, September 2, 2010

Texting Safety

When I watch Connar chase balls down our driveway, I'm impressed with the "angles" he takes to position himself so the ball doesn't roll past him. If only Sabby Piscitelli, the Buc's starting strong safety last year would have taken such angles, he may still have a starting job. But recently he was demoted, and he didn't take kindly to it. 

For him it was not only that he didn't deserve the demotion (yet its hard to argue that he wasn't the the worst player on a terrible defense), but how he received news of it: via text message.

I guess some things are best said in person. It is so much easier to send a text or an email than actually talking man-to-man or woman-to-woman. But here is another good reminder that doing what is efficient and safe, doesn't equate to doing what is right.

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