Thursday, September 8, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: Debate recap -- Social Security was the defining moment

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Reagan Debate

Debate recap: Social Security was the defining moment: Exam
Perry vs. Romney: RS
Why the Reagan Library GOP debate sucked: Malkin

Reagan Debate Analysis: Who Won? Who Lost?: RWN
Scoring the GOP Debate at the Reagan Library: Jazz Shaw
Rick Perry fabulously defends Texas death penalty: Scoop

MSNBC Debate Recap: Watching the Watchdogs: Loesch
Gingrich Goes After Debate Moderator John Harris: NB
Republican Reagan Library Debate -- Tweet of the Night: LI


Gunrunners and Outlawry: ProWis
WH Take on GOP: Enemies! Barbarians! Sons of Bitches!: Dossier
You Have Awakened a Sleeping Chakra: Driscoll

Politics Turns Dangerously Rougher: Blankley
2012 Presidential Hopefuls' Immigration Stances: NUSA
Confusion: RS

Is Perry Unelectable?: Ace
Maxine Waters to Obama: Can You Say Black?: ConBlkChk
"A Time For Choosing": ZH


Oh My Stars and Garters: Obama's Big New Idea For Jobs Speech: Ace
Because Obama's Last Spending Binge Worked So Well: Cobb
Gibson CEO to attend Obama's jobs speech as Boehner's guest: Hill

ObamaCare Increases Both Healthcare Costs and Number of Uninsured: RWN
Light up your lottery tickets, pass the Hopium: Kass
Hoffa Supporters Threaten Tea Partier: Loesch

Climate & Energy

Solyndra - The Obama connection: ZH
Solyndra officials made numerous trips to the White House, logs show: DC
August Volt/Leaf Sales: Bayonet


Former ACORN Insider Infiltrates Fox News: MonCrief
"I Would Say It Again" -- Hoffa: Equalizer
Politico: Even Democrats Fear That Obama Has Become a SCOAMF: Ace

Little love for Obama in today's Washington Post: Pundette
Opinion: What if we Blamed Obama for the IHOP Shooting? Crazy, Huh? : WNYC
VDH looks at aftershocks of 9/11: Ace

The Five Biggest Reasons Republicans Keep Losing the Propaganda War: Shiver
Anti-Palin tempest in a teapot? "Fog of war describes Twitter in a nutshell": sisu
Culture of Eruption: Conservative Palin critics are “coming out of the closet”: Toldjah


Report Card on the 9/11 Commission's Recommendations: FSM
Those Post-9/11 -isms and -ologies: A Look Back at a Decade: Hanson
BofAs Legal Woes Go Global After Norway's Sovereign Wealth Fund Sues For Mortgage Fraud: ZH

Jihad in India: Deady Islamic Attack Strike New Delhi Courthouse: Atlas
The Unspoken Reality: Flopping Aces
Under Suspicion At The Mall Of America: VPR


High-tech ghost town planned for New Mexico: CNet
Report: Facebook's Revenue Hits $1.6B In The First Half Of 2011: Forbes
HP TouchPad screen can now support Android: CNet


10 Most Disturbing Statistics From Mark Steyn’s “After America: Get Ready for Armageddon”: RWN
Behold: the Lightbringer: MOTUS
Tele-Prompter: BS Footprint

Look What the Dems Are Causing With Their Lies About Paul Ryan: iOTW
Evacuating Washington D.C. (No, Not In The Good Way): C&S
SOB is taken out: LaughingCon

Image: Adapted from a photograph by Chris Carlson, AP
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Support Allen West for Congress

QOTD: "I guess there's no way to really check this out but my girlfriend who works for the federal government was just informed that she has to cancel her vacation planned for October. The 2011 fiscal year ends in September and there is money left in her department's budget so her boss is planning a conference in Boston for employees from all over the country. This happens every year at the same time because the money is 'lost' unless the money is used so managers are 'encouraged' to use the money up and travel is the easiest/quickest way. My friend worked for another federal agency and the same thing happened at the same time. As I said, I guess there's no way to officially check this out but it cheezed me off sufficiently to write." --J.P. via email

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