Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Favorites

Fall is almost here, today here in Athens is so cloudy and I think it's going to rain (yay!)
The time of rearranging our closets is almost here. I'm really sad because summer is my favorite season, but I'm ready for new things!
Here's my favorite things about fall :)

1) Drinking coffee with friends

2) Watching and listening to the rain 

For those who love rain just like me, and they can't wait till it rains here's a website for you

3) Hats!

4) Dark colors for make up and Essie's new fall collection for nail polishes

5) Boots

6) Waking up really early in the morning to see the sun rising

7) Eating noodles and watching old movies at weekends

8) The scent of vanilla

9) Scarfs

10) Reading books

11) Nature

12) Checking other blogs

13) Grandma's pumpkin pie and mum's apple pie

What's your fall favorite stuff?

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