Thursday, June 30, 2011

Larwyn's Linx: Why the GOP shouldn’t go wobbly on taxes

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Why the GOP shouldn’t go wobbly on taxes: Pethokoukis
Sixth Circuit sets Constitution afire: Hot Air
A Propaganda Press Conference: TRS

AmeriCorps scandal: Friend of the Obamas, Kevin Johnson: Malkin
Interstate Compacts and Do-It-Yourself Federalism: Cato
Two-faced RINOs: JPA

Justice Justice: Zombie
God Bless Our Military! Just not in Houston Natl. Cemetery: NJ-TX
FBI investigating Dallas Dem John Wiley Price?: Tatler


President Quixote’s Legacy: Pelerin
California, a State that Has Gone Stark Raving Mad: Ricochet
Report: Treasury must cut spending 44 percent in default: Hill

$2 Trillion in Cuts in Perspective: Cato
Idiot Mayor: Fight Al Qaeda by Restricting Gun Sales: RWN
MI Public School Sneakily Converted To Islamic Center: Creeping

Climate & Energy

Pollute for the Planet: CBullitt
With its oil treasure, Israel gets a shield from tyranny : Globe & Mail
White House: Smart Cars and Leafs for Thee: BG


National Journal: White House Very Worried About Reelection: Ace
Obama's Absolutely Unbelievable Press Conference : Ace
Michele Bachmann has not yet clinched the GOP nomination, as best we can tell for now: LAT

Jon Stewart Under Fire: Steven Crowder & Herman Cain Rip Off the Clown Nose: BigHollywood
What if Newsweek still had readers?: Driscoll
Today’s Bachmann Hit Piece: Her Husband’s Practice Received Medicare Money!: RWN

Glenn Beck vs. the Mob: Coulter
AP Joins Bloomberg in Predictable Purge of 'Unexpectedly' in Consumer Confidence Report: NB
Dare to DREAM: Dick Durbin Says Maybe Someday an Illegal Alien Will Be Elected President: Malkin

Why Can’t Old Media Learn That Obama Has Contempt for Them?: RWN
Mainstream Media Find New Female Target in Bachmann: NB
Remember when Obama claimed that the Constitution was written 2000 years ago?: BlogProf


Great News: Obama Administration Puts Israel On List Of Countries That Support Terrorism: Lid
U.S Ignores Hillary Clinton's Powerful Aide Huma Abedin at Its Own Risk: HE
Not the Greeks, But Their Creditors Are Bailed Out: Ritholtz

Missile Defense Malpractice: IBD
Britain accuses Iran of secret nuclear-missile tests: GlobalPost
Reuters: Obama to Establish Formal Contacts with Muslim Brotherhood: Atlas


Amazon Ends Affiliate Program in California: AmPow
Microsoft Takes to Cloud to Ward Off Competition: NYT
Google+ steers clear of privacy missteps: CNet


"What’s going to happen to the children when there aren’t any more grown-ups?": AmDig
Ronald Reagan Trail: Peoria Heights: Marathon
The Org Charts Of All The Major Tech Companies (Humor): Insider

Image: Epic Too Big To Fail Infographic!
Today's Larwyn's Linx sponsored by: Have an extra $5 to save your country? Support Michele Bachmann

QOTD: "The [Sixth Circuit] majority [decision upholding Obamacare's individual mandate] is ludicrous. It stated, "Virtually everyone will need health care services at some point, including, in the aggregate, those without health insurance."

All of us will need shelter. Should government control the residential housing market and compel individuals to buy approved housing?

All of us will need clothes. Should government control the clothing market and compel individuals to buy approved clothing?

All of us will need food. Should government control the food supply and compel individuals to buy only approved foods?

All of us will need transportation. Should government control all modes of transportation and compel individuals to buy only approved transportation services?

And, now that the Constitution has been shredded, where does this control over the individual end?

I'll tell you where it ends: with the destruction of this Republic, by a fifth column called the cadaver of the Democrat Party, a once-proud and patriotic group that has been utterly subsumed by the maggots known as Marxists." --Me, just now.

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