Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hey, Chris Wallace: do you know how many people called Michele Bachmann a 'flake' before you slandered her on Sunday? None, dimwit.

Through the magic of a cool new research tool called Google (you may have heard of it, Chris), I decided to find out who had called GOP presidential candidate Michele Bachmann a "flake" prior to Chris Wallace's interview.

After all, Wallace had asserted that was "the rap" on Bachmann.

To test this assertion, I constructed a fairly complex query (here) that found all pages that mentioned:

• 'Michelle Bachmann' and the word 'flake'

Omitting the following pages:

• Those referencing the last name 'Wallace' or his show 'Fox News Sunday'
• Posted On 6/26 through 6/28 2011

Here are the complete results:

Er, Chris, no one had called Bachmann a 'flake'.

'Cepting you, of course.

Which means one of two things: you're an agenda journalist trying to demean a conservative female... or... you were showing off for Jon Stewart.

In either case, you're a decidedly unserious choice for any job at Fox News.

We can tune into ABC, CBS or NBC for this type of horsecrap.

Update: Chris Wallace's Greatest Interview Questions

Related: Michele Bachmann 2012. Linked by: Gateway Pundit. Thanks!

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