Sunday, February 8, 2009

Widow Joy

A few weeks ago, Amy and I visited one of the widows in our church (this by the way is my Grandma-all the "widow" pictures on google images were way freaky looking). We did it because God tells us that He cares about such people and visiting them is a non-negotiable (James 1). More specifically each community group takes responsibility to watch over a widow or two so that none fall through the cracks, and I hadn't been doing the greatest job as a leader. We spent about 45 minutes talking and listening-more listening than talking-and had an absolute blast. She blessed us just as much as we blessed her. Amy, Connar, and I will definitely be back.

So what's my point? I can't fix stuff. Another church member has provided that kind of support for her; he's the man. But I can listen, and I have a wonderful wife and a really cute kid, so I try to put my best feet forward. Giving of yourself and time, even it's something as simple as visiting a widow or fixing her stuff, can provide more joy than anything else you do. Perhaps more joy than bringing in a big redfish-though I hope to do that again soon....

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