There were some big pre-Super Bowl parties this year. Some athletes, play-mates, entertainers, and musicians hosted 500 dollar a head (for the cheapest ones) shindigs. But no party had the A-listers like Jeff and Geoff's 62 Annual Super Bowl Fish Fry.
Having to participate in youth Super Bowl parties the last several years, I was unable to throw one myself. Until this year. A fishing buddy of mine approached me about doing some sort of fish fry Super bowl Party at my house because his apartment was too small.
Let me get this straight. You'll help me recruit others to come to my house to eat fish and watch football? A no-brainer. I live for hospitality.
So he and I invited some of our paddle-fishing forum buddies. There were about 7 or so kayak fisherman, plus a friend from my church (had to be a fisherman). That number, like Jesus feeding of the 5000, does not include women and children. Some brought wives, kids, and a girlfriend.
My co-host Jeff was an ex-cook (or should I say former-he still cooks?), so I put him in charge of frying the fish. All of the trout and redfish were harvested by one person since everyone else had trouble catching keeper sized trout. I stuck to frying french fries and hush puppies.
Even though it was B.Y.O.B., no one got out of hand and everyone had a good time. Connar didn't want the party to end because some of the kids entertained him the whole time.
Of course the down side of a fish-fry is that we woke up to the smell of fried fish this morning. Yet by the afternoon we were fully cleaned up and mostly "fish free" until we heated up the left-overs. All in all, an awesome night. All had a good time. All knew I was a pastor. Hopefully all left with a better picture of Christianity. Hopefully one day Jesus, the great party crasher, will crash theirs.
I totally recommend taking a step of faith and hosting one of these parties yourself. Or like my friend Jeff did to me, recommend a friend to take the step and co-host one.
Click on the pictures to get a better look at the party. Definitely click on the one with Connar and the fried shrimp.
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