Thursday, December 11, 2008

Two ways to learn

I heard yesterday that there were plans to not play the 09 Arena Football League season. Apparently some big investors had been hit by the economy and wouldn't be supporting it this year. I'm sure all 65 fans of the A.F.L. will be hurt by this decision.

Yet it seems that some other sports franchises are not at all hurting in this down economy. For instance, the New York Yankees just came to terms with highly sought after free agent C.C. Sabbathia. The deal looks to be worth over 161 million dollars. They offered another pitcher, A.J. Burnett, a deal for nearly 70 million.

There are two ways in which we learn not to "trust in chariots (Psalm 20:7):" things which we put our faith in instead of God. Of course we spend all our lives trying to learn this truth.

1.) God takes the "chariots" away. Investments, home prices, appearances worsen, skills deteriorate, etc..

2.) God allows us to ride the "chariots" and find that they really leave us empty. There's something incredibly depressing (but can point us right back to Jesus) about getting what you hoped for and finding it only disappoints you further.

Guess what route the Steinbrenner's (who can buy anything but happiness, and recently a World Series-though not for lack of trying) will have to take? Which road is God taking you down?

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