Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Connar Blessing

One thing that we regularly pray for Connar is that he would be a blessing to others. Even in a small way, we hope that this little boy would be used by God. On Tuesday, God really answered such a prayer. Amy took him to school to visit a fellow teacher. Mr. Luther, the janitor who became close to Amy over the last few years, ran into the dynamic duo.

Even though no one knew where his hands had been (probably better not to think about it), he reached out to grab Connar. Amy simply let him. He held Connar up and said, "Thank you Jesus," several times. He was near tears. It made his day. It made mine too.

We prayed tonight that his life would be a blessing to others for a long time coming-particularly when he's able to point folks to the "lovely source of true delight" and source of all blessings. But we're happy even now that God has given him a head start.

He'll be showcasing his cuteness when we go caroling to an area nursing home this Sunday. Fortunately, he'll not be alone as Connar's favorite little ladies, the Thomas girls, will be joining forces.

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