Friday, November 14, 2008

Panera and God's leading

Today after my men's group at Panera I had a "run-in" with an interesting and bold young Christian girl. As I was getting ready to leave, she came up to me and said, "I don't know you at all, but God wants you to know that you've been seeking something big, and to not give up. It's just around the corner."

I didn't know what to say, but I did want to commend this young girl on her boldness to come up to a complete stranger. So I thanked her for the message. And I do admire her boldness. I really do.

In our session meeting the other day, we looked at a passage in Acts 8. The Spirit clearly tells Phillip of an evangelistic opportunity, and to "Go that chariot and stand near it (Acts 8:29-NIV)." He meets an Ethiopian who is reading and trying to comprehend a passage in Isaiah 53. We all discussed the need to be open to the Spirit's leading in the role of evangelism, whatever that might look like.

A few questions, at least a few, popped into my head. Did God really tell her to say that? I can't prove that He didn't. Nor will I try. Maybe he did lead her to tell me that? If I had to bet, I would bet NO. I really have no idea of what the "huge breakthrough" or "change" might be. Perhaps I will break out of my fishing slump tomorrow, or soon? That would be nice.

Would I be so bold as to go up to a random stranger and tell them that? Well not specifically that message, but the message of the gospel? Not random strangers, but people I know or who I meet? I commend her on on her boldness. Maybe if I catch a ton of snook and reds tomorrow, and break out of my "fishing slump," I'll come back and thank her one day. If that breakthrough or another comes my way, I'll be sure to let you know.

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