Friday, November 21, 2008

Leadership developed

Jim Rome had an interesting interview with Detroit Piston's head coach Michael Curry the other day. Rome posed the question to Curry, "Do you think that leaders are born or do you think that they are made?"

While Curry believed that there is something to leadership that comes from our personalities, he really believed that good leaders are more often "made" then simply "born." He spoke of reading John Maxwell books in graduate school, and the importance of developing the skills of leadership. It is a craft.

At a church planting conference a few years ago I heard the same thing from a church planter. Leadership is not simply something that just happens. He challenged us to read more books, and put ourselves in the paths of leaders-that we would learn from them. I think many pastors are realizing that there is much wisdom to delving into this issue of how to be better leaders of people. Probably because it does not come naturally.

In the past year or so, I've read a few books on leadership, by both Christian and unbelieving authors. Here are some I've found helpful: Leading with a Limp by Dan Alender, Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni and Good to Great by James Collins. I actually thought the latter (written by unbelievers) in some cases, were just as, or more biblical and practical. Wherever we are, I think developing greater leadership skill is crucial.

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