Sunday, May 29, 2011

Today's outfit 29/5 and some neon nail polishes

Hey guys! How did you spend your weekend? Well, here in Athens the weather -after lots of days with heavy rain- was good and sunny. I stayed home at Saturday but I was SOOO angry- hahaha- I wanted to go for a walk or grab some coffee. I tried to study and do homework but... nothing! I took my revenge today. I called my friend Ria from Nail Art Victim and we arranged to grab some coffee. Yay! We haven't hang out for ages! Our programms are so full! So, today was the day.
As I told you the sun was shining so, I thought I could wear the FIRST DRESS FOR THIS SUMMER!
Here are some pics..


What do you think?

Now that weather is good I thought I should try some neon nail polishes for my nails. I was trying to decide what this color should be and I saw all my polishes and I thought.. hey! This must be caught in picture for my blog!

Aren't they cute? Awesome or what?!

So, that's all for now! 
See you at the next post!Toodles! ^^

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