Question: One of my favourite recurring characters/impressions from season 35 was Snooki, who of course you played. I think what's great about it is that you're not just doing a dead-on impression of her, but you've turned her into a character. So, could you talk about the genesis of that impression? (How it was decided you would play her, the writing for her etc.) Also, one reader was curious as to how long it takes to remove the orange make-up?!
Bobby: SNOOKI! It started when I was I was watching TV and literally as I turned it on I just saw a girl get punched in the face. It was the promo for the show on MTV. It hadn't aired yet. I remember writing down "Italian Girl gets punched in the face" I thought it might be funny for update. I didn't even know who Snooki was. Then I started watching the show and I fell in love. That girl is a cartoon character. She is just the free-est of spirits. When I finally saw the episode and they cut it I was amazed. They showed it like a thousand times a day for a week and then said that it was inappropriate so they pulled it. Amazing. I think I just thought about it and wrote down the Garfield line about being orange and loving lasanga and that was it. My good friend Christine Nangle had been hired on the show and we wanted to write together. I pitched her the idea of me playing Snooki on Update. Nangle is brilliant and we work great together. I think we wrote the first one in like twenty minutes. It just flowed. We sat on the couch outside the elevator and just hammered it out. I just remember that we kept saying that it shouldn't be mean. It should be what she would really say if she had a chance to be on Update. It was totally different at dress. Much more subdued. And less orange. Then Seth improvised something and I just did that laugh to recover. The laugh got the biggest laugh. That made me feel good and Nangle said "DO THAT LAUGH AS MUCH AS YOU CAN".
On air, I think I just felt comfortable with Seth and the one was much more joyous and carefree. I think that's why people like her and the bit. Just an idiot having fun being an idiot. And every time we do it she gets more and more orange. Also Nangle is brillaint. She wrote the "Prison Jumpsuit" line from the Alec Baldwin episode. That line is pure genius and pure Nangle. Another crazy surreal moment was watching the real Snooki watch the clip on an MTV special. She seemed moved and touched. I just wanted to remind her that I was a dude painted orange and that she should not be as flattered.
It takes about twenty minutes to get the orange on. It's all Josh and Louis, the best makeup guys in the business. It's all airbrushed on then I get in the dress, boobs, jewelry, makeup, and finally the wig. I've gotten it off in three minutes for the next sketch but if you look closely my knuckles and neck are still bright orange.
Question: There have been a lot of great hosts during your time at SNL. Who were some of your favourites to work with and is there anybody in particular that you would like to see host next season?
Bobby: I have favorites for different reasons. Megan Fox was so cool. Anne Hathaway sticks out as a favorite just because I was so new and she was so excited to be there like me. Paul Rudd was amazing. I wanna marry Gabby Sidibe. Rogen and Phillipe were awesome. Blake Lively was great and I had my first "live from New York" on her show so that meant a lot to me. James Franco was a pisser. Sitting on John Malcovich's lap was nuts. Megan Fox... Megan Fox had to see me naked and for that I apologize. But if I had to go top three it would be Sigourney Weaver, Jude Law, and Betty White.... and Megan Fox.
As for hosts I would like next season... THESE ARE MY DREAM HOSTS... Robert Downey, Jr., Tom Hanks, Michael Emerson, Evangeline Lilly, Bryan Cranston, Sam Rockwell, Ken Jeong, Will Smith, Mickey Rourke, Amy Poehler, Carrie Fisher, Jonathan Winters, Gonzo, Ricky Gervais, Omar from The Wire, Tess from Pretty Wild, Simone from Head of the Class, A Bear, Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase, My Dad, Bill Clinton, Christina Aguilera, Alyssa Milano, Elisha Cuthbert, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Heather Graham, or the cast of Twin Peaks.
Dream Musical guests... (After Pearl Jam my dream had come true but...) Beastie Boys, Snoop, G-Love and the Special Sauce, Christina Aguilera, Leon Redbone, or Randy Newman. But I would trade them all for Biggie.
Question: What were some of your favourite sketches that didn't make it to the air?
Bobby: Ones that always stand out are anything that Fred or Forte write. Fred did a sketch called "Bi*** on Wheels" at the table read for my first episode. It was the funniest thing in the world. It was all about a woman who hosts a talk show on roller skates but she was a terrible roller skater. It eventually got turned into "Riley" but I still hold a place for the original in my heart. On the last episode of season 35 Forte wrote a sketch called "Finders Keepers" it was insane and wonderful. It got cut for time but I have high hopes that it will be seen again. Abby and I always threaten to write something called "The Adventures of Danny Devito and Rhea Pearlman" where we are super heroes. We have never written it but I am including it in the "Didn't make it to air" section because if we do it probably wouldn't. Also, Seth wrote a LOST sketch for the finale but it didn't make it. I loved it. I was Hurley, Bill was Sawyer, Kristen was Kate, Jason was Jack. It was just a nerds dream sketch and expertly written. I really wish we had done it. That one will kill me forever.
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"Simone from Head of the Class" - Hahahahahaha
A bummer that Lost skit got cut! That would have been Bobby's chance to whip out Hurley (an
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