Monday, December 14, 2009

Bobby Moynihan - in New Doorbells

A custom ring for every occasion.

Bobby's on right at the beginning and comes back up to ask for one about cars.

This is Jenny's skit. She got another one for the last episode (she was featured in this one and the Twilight debate). So she's pretty funny here. She was very nervous at first, but she got a little more relaxed as she went and the jokes got funnier as they went. I didn't like it at first, but by the time it ended, I thought it was hysterical.

It's obvious that they're pulling Kristen out more. They have gotten a lot of heat by featuring Kristen too much and now that they have a few different solid female players, they're trying to save Kristen for the big gun sketches and feature her as the lead in a sketch or two rather than put her in 7 sketches like they used to. So she only appeared in Surprise for this episode (and her voice was in the monologue).

Fred Armisen also only appeared in two sketches this week. The big players were Abby Elliott, Kenan, and Jason Sudeikis (each with 5).


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