Sadly a 22 year-old Angels pitcher named Nick Adenhart was killed along with a few others in an accident a few days ago. Standard DUI hit and run, where the guy was driving with a suspended license from a previous DUI incident. Does suspending licenses really stop such accidents from occurring? I don't have any solutions, like caning or anything, but man it's a shame.
One fill-in host for the Collin Cowherd (sports talk) show tried to stay positive about this sad incident. He said the only thing a "positive" person could take from this was simply to find your passion and do it everyday. Somehow this can provide fulfillment and overcome the uncertainty of life?
I guess what really bothered me the most, is not that he didn't say, "Well I guess I should become a Christian because I never know the day or the hour I could be taken, and I will bow my knee to Jesus one day, either it will be as a heaven-bound believer or a hell-bound unbeliever."
I guess what I really hoped for was a slightly less self-concerned, less self-absorbed question of what life is really about. I realize that people are incredibly existential (no ultimate reality, just your own existence) but I was hoping for at least a deeper existential question like "Are my passions really worth it? Have I missed something completely? Do my passions really fulfill me? Is fulfillment found in giving rather taking?"
I mean the dude from Into The Wild was not a Christian but he wrestles with quite deeper existential questions that do find answer in the gospel.
The fact that such shallow and self-centered conclusions are being reached amidst a confrontation with our own mortality ought to concern everyone. At some point, Christians really need to answer questions that are being asked ( if it's security, eternal fears, fear of future, significance, feeling judged, etc...).
But there is also a place to ask questions that haven't been raised as well. A confrontation with our own or other's mortality may (I know this dude is not a representative for everyone, but I doubt he's in the minority) not simply raise the same questions I think it used to raise. It may take Christians raising them to their friends.
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