Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Profound truth in a kid's song

Have you ever found that sometimes the simplest things can be the most profound? I overheard my 9 and 1/2 month old son's music playing today. He's not yet into U2, but I have to give him some time. He'll get there eventually.

Amy procured a CD filled with all kinds of kids' bible songs, you know the kinds with the ultra-high pitched (and sometimes freaky sounding) voices. Today, track number 1 particularly struck me to the core. I'm not sure of the title, but these are the lyrics, "I'm so glad that Jesus loves me....Jesus loves even me."

How often do we sit down and just let this sink in? Are we really so glad? That he loves even me? So glad that our circumstances don't mean as much anymore? Or are we only so glad when life is going well? Today, by God's grace, this truth just hit me. Today, right now as I write this, I'm gladder and more joyful than I have been in awhile simply because of this truth. Because God is loving, He will expose the idols in our lives so that we would run back to this truth.

If after a time, "I'm so glad that Jesus loves me, even me," doesn't have an affect on us, it may be that there are personal idols which have not been identified or repented from: comfort, and respect are some that I've been battling. We do battle by reflecting and delighting on this truth of the gospel. The gospel at some points is so profoundly deep and at the same time profoundly simple enough a child can get it. This child got it today.

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